The more we know about human trafficking, the more we can educate others and stand against this heinous crime.
"Human trafficking is a phenomenon that has been around for decades but that has recently taken the news and society in general by storm. As more and more people become aware of this terrible crime, it’s important to understand and be aware of the dangers and implications that come with this exploitation. It’s also important to know how to protect yourself as well as recognize human trafficking when possible." (introduction to "What Is Human Trafficking" by Florin|Roebig Trial Attorneys)
Read the full article "What Is Human Trafficking" to explore a variety of topics related to human trafficking, including the following:
Helping You From Addiction to Recovery is your trusted educational guide to addiction and recovery, founded by recovering addicts and board-certified addiction specialists. Whether you are struggling with addiction or concerned about a loved one’s substance abuse, our mission is to lead you to a healthier, happier life.
Find out more about us or contact us:
Help for addiction recovery. is an informational resource hub for people who are seeking treatment for substance use disorder. Our site connects families to credible information about healthcare, treatment costs, providers, and more. Above all, we value integrity, transparency in information, and stigma-free resources.
Access our specialized guide on free addiction treatment options in Georgia:
Slavery is alive and well today. Human trafficking is a booming business that is being propelled by both the powerful and our on-demand sexualized culture. Tim Ballard, former special agent and founder of Operation Underground Railroad, joins Candace to discuss how society aids this multi-billion-dollar criminal enterprise. - January 30, 2020.
"8 DAYS" a film, tells the story of a 15-year-old girl who's forced into sex trafficking after attending a party with her friends. Over 300,000 children in America are sold for sex in the USA each year. The film is available on Netflix and other places.
More than 12 million women and men are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking every year in the United States. More than one-third of women and one-fourth of men have been raped, assaulted, or stalked by an intimate partner.
Such problems have never gone away despite activism and legislation like the Violence Against Women Act, but there are several programs emerging all over the United States that are designed to prevent, protect, and educate.
Sunshine Behavioral Health offers resources to recognize, address, and fight domestic violence. Click here to access Sunshine Behavioral Health resources.
Child victims of physical and sexual abuse from Savannah's marginalized communities have long been underserved, but the Coastal Children's Advocacy Center (CCAC) is working to change that. Click for more information.
Founded in 2002, Polaris is named for the North Star, which people held in slavery in the United States used as a guide to navigate their way toward freedom. Today we are filling in the roadmap for that journey and lighting the path ahead.
Learn how to recognize the signs of human trafficking.
HEAL Trafficking are a united group of multidisciplinary health care professionals dedicated to ending human trafficking and supporting its survivors, from a public health perspective.
HEAL have designed a systems toolkit to help professionals working in health care settings such as emergency departments, hospitals, clinics, private offices, or school based health centers develop a protocol to respond to potential victims of human trafficking who present to their facility. The toolkit presents an ambitious, comprehensive approach to protocol development, portions of which may be adopted for particular contexts based on capacity.
Contact HEAL at with your questions and feedback.
THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY created the BLUE CAMPAIGN as a national public awareness campaign to educate the public, law enforcement and other industry partners on how to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases.
The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine welcomes, respects, and embraces differences in age, sex and gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, indigenous background, culture, national origin, language, religion, spiritual orientation, ability status, social class, education, veteran status, political persuasion, professional interests, and other cultural and professional dimensions. We celebrate intersectionalities among these cultural and professional dimensions. The Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee endeavors to foster a departmental culture in which achieving equity, diversity, and inclusivity are high priorities.
Copyright © 2023-2025 SIDC - All Rights Reserved.
The SIDC is an active 501(c)(3) based in Savannah, Georgia.
Organized in May 2013, the SIDC consists of law enforcement, businesses, government agencies, social services, educators and advocates with the shared purpose of celebrating the diversity in our community. The SIDC brings diverse perspectives together for conversation and collaboration, to create positive change.