Save these dates (Saturdays):
January 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2021
The Sixth Annual Savannah Traffick Jam:
Breaking the Cycles of Human Trafficking, One Survivor at a Time
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”
- William Wilberforce
For conference information, call (912) 398-1343 or email
* See activities from previous Traffick Jam conferences at the bottom of this page.
Law Enforcement Only
Registration Law Enforcement Only:
Send an email to to request a registration form.
Speaker Check In / Registrant Sign In
Greg Gilluly
Tania Groover
U. S. Attorney’s Office - Southern District of Georgia
Anthony Miranda
Homeland Security Investigation
Victor Boutros
The Human Trafficking Institute
Closing Remarks
Registration deadline: December 15, 2020
Law Enforcement Only (click for brochure)
Legal Professionals
Speaker Check In / Registrant Sign In
Angélica Zayas
11 Circuit Court Unified Children’s Court
Martina Vandenberg
The Human Trafficking Legal Center
Terence Coonan
Florida State University
Closing Remarks
Registration deadline: January 8, 2021
Legal Professionals (click for brochure)
Medical Professionals and Mental Health Professionals
Speaker Check In / Registrant Sign In
Jordan Greenbaum, M.D.
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Alison Boak
National Human Trafficking and Disabilities Working Group
Tammy Hopper
National Safe Place Network
Closing Remarks
Registration deadline: January 15, 2021
Medical Professionals and Mental Health Professionals (click for brochure)
Thank you for attending the Medical Professionals and Mental Health Professionals session! Click below to complete the evaluation form.
Main Conference and Community Members
Speaker Check In / Registrant Sign In
Mel Meyer
Out of Darkness
Sarah Pederson
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC)
Dr. Heather Quaile
Receiving Hope Center
Jerome Elam
Trafficking in America Task Force
Closing Remarks
Registration deadline: January 28, 2021
Main Conference and Community Members (click for brochure)
If a participant or potential participant would like to express a concern about her/his experience with Traffick Jam 2021, she/he may email the SIDC at Although we do not guarantee a particular outcome, the individual can expect us to consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions and respond within two weeks.
Congratulations Barbara Seidemen on winning the raffle!!
Lies Beneath the Surface!
by Savannah artist Britton Dockery of Britton Dockery Art LLC
Message of Hope: Under the darkness that blankets the night in what lies
beneath its surface there is always a light of hope that shines through.
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” - William Wilberforce
To report suspected human trafficking to Federal law enforcement: 1-866-347-2423
To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888,
or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733)
Copyright © 2023-2025 SIDC - All Rights Reserved.
The SIDC is an active 501(c)(3) based in Savannah, Georgia.
Organized in May 2013, the SIDC consists of law enforcement, businesses, government agencies, social services, educators and advocates with the shared purpose of celebrating the diversity in our community. The SIDC brings diverse perspectives together for conversation and collaboration, to create positive change.