Traffick Jam 2025 is scheduled for
February 21-22, 2025
Register for Traffick Jam 2025!
Call or email for conference information:
(912) 398-1343
The SIDC is excited to bring together experts in their respective fields to inform and educate professionals in law enforcement, mental health, social work, and education, as well as for the general public.
We can all work together to fight the scourge of human trafficking.
Open to law enforcement only.
8am-9am | Registration and breakfast
9am-10:20am | Sherri Stephan
Exploiting Vulnerabilities:
The Means and Methods of Human Traffickers
(Presentation includes POST-approved Human Trafficking curriculum.)
10:20am-10:30am | Break
10:30am-12:00pm | James Fottrell
Digital Evidence in Sex Trafficking Cases
12:00pm | Adjourn
9:00am-9:05am | Introduction of Master of Ceremony:
Dawn Baker, WTOC News Anchor
9:10am-9:15am | Opening Remarks
Mayor Dana Williams, Thunderbolt, GA
9:20am-9:25am | Welcome
Dr. Catherine Gayle, Chair, Department of Social Work, Savannah State University
9:30am-10:10am | Say No to Internet Monsters: Cyber Safety for Parents and Children
Skip Myers, Fraud & Identity Solutions Consultant, LexisNexis Risk Solutions / Co-Founder, Internet Safety Brigade
10:15am-10:55am | Survivor Speaker AY
Sponsoring organization: Fresh Start Healing Heart, Sheila Roemeling, Executive Director
11:00am-11:10am | Break
11:15am-11:55am | When Home Is Where the Hurt Is: An Exploration of Familiar Trafficking
Naeshia McDowell, Director of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSEC) Response Team, Children's Advocacy Centers of Georgia
12pm-12:30pm | Force, Fraud, and Coercion: Examining the Spectrum of Exploitation, A Discussion of Federal Cases, Explore the Scope and Methods of Exploitation perpetrated by traffickers
Sherri Stephan, Assistant United States Attorney, Human Trafficking Coordinator, US Attorney’s Office, Southern District of Georgia / SIDC Member
12:45pm-1:15pm | Lunch
*** Reminder: Visit vendors before afternoon session ***
1:20pm-2:00pm | Life in a Residential Shelter
Julie Wade, Executive Director, Tharros Place
2:05pm-2:10pm | Closing Remarks
Bill Gettis, Chairman, Savannah Interagency Diversity Council (SIDC)
Savannah State University (SSU)
Main Conference Room (A&B), SSU Student Union
3219 College Street
Savannah, GA 31404
10th Annual Traffick Jam!
A Decade of Awareness, Advocacy, & Action
COVID-19: Protocols and precautions as set forth by the CDC and SSU will be in place for attendees.
If a (potential) participant has a concern about her/his experience with Traffick Jam 2025, she/he may email the SIDC at We do not guarantee a given outcome, but the individual can expect us to consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions, and respond within two weeks.
To report suspected human trafficking to Federal law enforcement: 1-866-347-2423
To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888,
or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733)
Copyright © 2023-2025 SIDC - All Rights Reserved.
The SIDC is an active 501(c)(3) based in Savannah, Georgia.
Organized in May 2013, the SIDC consists of law enforcement, businesses, government agencies, social services, educators and advocates with the shared purpose of celebrating the diversity in our community. The SIDC brings diverse perspectives together for conversation and collaboration, to create positive change.
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